Thanks again for checking us out online. We hope you have enjoyed your experience here so far and hopefully we can answer any questions you may have in this section, but if not please feel free to use the Contact form to contact either our senior pastor, R.C. James or our Associate Pastor, Tracy Rigdon or our Church Secretary, Ruth Howell.
Here is the list of some of our Most Frequently Asked Questions
1.What time are our Sunday Services?
8:30am – Contemporary Service – Bro. Tracy Rigdon brings the message each Sunday and Bro. Josh Anderson leads the music
9:45am – Sunday School
11:00am – Worship Service – Bro. R.C.James brings the message and Bro. Bob Edwards leads the music.
6:00pm – Evening Worship Service -Bro. R.C. James brings the message
2.What about handicapped access?
Several accesses for handicapped people: front ramp and all side door entrances
3.What can I expect during a Sunday Service?
8:30 am Contemporary Service – Welcome,Praise Band and Praise Music led by Josh Anderson; Message by Bro. Tracy Rigdon, Invitation extended at end of service.
9:45am Sunday School – Bible Study Classes for all ages led by dedicated and knowledgeable leaders.
11:00am Worship Service – Prelude by Ray Cunningham and Jane Youmans;Welcome by John DuPont;Call to Worship,(Praise and Traditional Music-Led by Music Director, Bob Edwards); Time of Fellowship; Offertory Prayer; Special Music by Talented Music people in the church; Message by Bro. R.C.James; Invitation at end of service.
6:00pm – Evening Worship Service – Similar service as Morning Worship
4.How do I find the appropriate Sunday School class?
Ask any greeter or church member and you will be directed to the appropriate class (either upstairs or downstairs)
5.What is provided for Nursery/Young Children/Youth?
* PBC provides Bible Study and Activities for all ages from Nursery through Youth.
The Nursery is located on the main floor, down the hall directly back of the Sanctuary.
Access through side entrances or Social Hall entrance. The Nursery is staffed by a caring attendant and caring Mothers.
A young children’s room is offered for children ages 2-4. Exit the sanctuary on the left side by the piano, turn right, then turn left. The young children’s room is down the hall on the left. This room doubles as their Sunday School room. However, your children are welcome to stay in the sanctuary, if you prefer.
Children’s church(Sunday 8:30 AM & 11:00 AM service) is offered for children in Pre-kindergarten through 5th grade. They will leave with Chris and Julie Smith after the song service. Children’s Church room is downstairs past the 2 & 3 year olds room. It is the last door on the left
Youth and children- Wednesday evening activities begin at 6:30 PM (412 Student Ministries;Team KID Children and Junior Choir)